
Elda Hotel is a project to recover the historic Hotel

"Rifugio" in the Umbra Forest, inaugurated on July 21, 1940.

This building was designed in 1938, thanks to the Province of Foggia, after the state property had ceded two cadastral parcels to the institution to build a hotel on the road to Monte Sant'Angelo. Among the first accommodations in Puglia, for decades it has represented a reference point for visitors and tourists who went to the Umbra Forest until the seventies, when the slow decline of the structure began which, in a few years, transformed the hotel in a ruin. Today, through an imposing recovery operation, the hotel has reopened its doors after thirty years since its abandonment and, after about 80 years, it has been returned, in all its splendor, to the community thanks to the commitment of the engineer Marcello Salvatori of Sistemi Energetici SPA, in absolute respect for the extraordinary ecosystem of the State Biogenetic Reserve of the Umbra Forest, established in 1977. With Elda Hotel, the story continues ...

In the heart of the Gargano

At the center of the Gargano Forest, near Elda Hotel, there are State Forestry Corps, the church of Sant’Antonio, the artificial lake and the museum, where next to the rich naturalistic sections an archaeological collection is exhibited, with artifacts dating back to the Paleolithic and the Neolithic periods..